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Fischer Michael A.
Дата рождения 27 1951
Дата смерти 27 июня 2015
West Kingston, RI кладбище
Поминальная свеча
Свеча горит с 23 сентября 2016
Michael Arthur Fischer, 63, of Richmond, RI, passed away on June 27, 2015. Born in Buffalo, NY, he was a son of Lorine Shirley Galisdofer and Arthur Carl Fischer.

Michael was URI alumni and a Research Engineer. Contribution to Science and Technology -Michael A. Fischer has received 13 United States patents and multiple foreign patents. The West Kingston, R.I. resident developed benchmark devices in fire protection and fostered new codes and standards for the National Fire Protection Association and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. The United States Fire Administration and the National Institute of Standards and Technology chose his designs as the only viable option in their class. Fischer was responsible for the first residential fire protection.
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Поминальная свеча
23 сентября 2016
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